On Nov 17, 2010, at 11:47 , Mojca Miklavec wrote:
Here is a brief list of changes to the gnuplot CVS version:
* support for ConTeXt and plain TeX
Hurray! Thanks a lot.
* removed dependencies for LaTeX packages other than TikZ * needs TikZ Version >= 2.0 * better support for saving terminal options with gnuplot 'save' command * fixed "overflow" on negative coordinates that are outside of the crop box * merged all recent patched from murphy-md and Ethan
Unfortunately it is the Context output that does not compile with the most recent Context version I installed from TeXLive 2010 and the http://tlcontrib.metatex.org/2010/ repository. But I remember it working with an older version so I hope this can be fixed easily ...
Thanks, I just updated the CVS version of gnuplot with your files and gave it a try: It works with minimals!
Feedback and patches welcome!
No patches I'm afraid. But feedback goes here: 1) The label text of the following key element takes the color of the preceding key symbol. Minimal example: set terminal lua tikz fulldoc size 15cm,7cm context set output 'plot.tex' set xrange [ 0 : 13 ] f1(x)=sqrt(x) f2(x)=sqrt(x*0.8)-3 plot f1(x) lc rgb 'blue', f2(x) 2) Negative axis labels are set with hyphen instead of proper minus sign, which should be longer (see example above). 3) First I thought luatex hangs but then I noticed TikZ is awfully slow when drawing plots with large amounts of data points (the tikzpicture had about 3000 lines). I can speed this up by reducing the size by invoking plot with: plot "< gawk '(NR-1)%10 == 0 {print $0}' fileWithLotsOfData" using [...] I wonder if there is a smarter way to do this in gnuplot. 4) Is there a possibility to get rid of the vertical artifacts in filledcurves? Note: the artifacts are only visible when plotting from data files. set terminal lua tikz fulldoc size 15cm,7cm context set output 'plot.tex' plot "< gawk 'BEGIN {for (i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {print i, 0.7*i, 0.8*i+50}}'" using 1:2:3 with filledcurve lc rgb 'black' t 'filled curve' set xrange [ 0 : 13 ] plot abs(x) with filledcurve xy=2,5 Best wishes, Florian