On Wednesday, January 4, 2006, at 05:00 AM, ntg-context-request@ntg.nl wrote:
you can move the graphic with:
\hangsidefloat[3] \placefigure[left]{}{} \input zapf \input zapf \input zapf
\movesidefloat[3*line] \placefigure[left]{}{} \input zapf \input zapf \input zapf
this is still page bound
also works, as does:
\placefigure[left,3*line]{}{} \input zapf \input zapf \input zapf
and in the next version:
\placefigure[left,3*hang]{}{} \input zapf \input zapf \input zapf
will work as well (i cannot post a patch because i first need to upload the version with the french interface)
I tried all of the above examples, but all end up with the same result I already have, namely, if there is not enough room to fit the figure (in my project, this is an image) on the current page, a page break is issued (leaving the bottom portion of the page blank). What I would like to happen, is to go ahead and begin the next paragraph to fill the current page, and then place the graphic on the subsequent page (with text to the side). Again, the issue only arises when there is not enough room on the current page to fit the figure. In my project, the figures are about 1/2 the height of the main body text, so anytime the paragraph breaks below the midpoint of a page, any image placed there will cause a page break leaving the rest of the page blank. Also, in the examples given, the ones using 3*line also set the image down three lines from the beginning of the paragraph. And while I might think that those first three lines should print across the full width of the main body text (directly above the image area), they only appear to the side of the image area, leaving three partially blank lines just above the image. Is that what is supposed to happen? Regards, Randolph