Hi This is still in the same line as my effort to make SciTE work flawlessly with ConTeXt. Accoridng to Hans's last email on the subject, I thought that I have to install Lua and Python on my Win XP machine too. So I did. Lua seems to be a very small program. Am I right? I installed version 5.1 for Win32 and it has only 4 files, of which 3 are .exe files and one is a .dll. In my try to make things to work, now even my TeX files don't compile. The structure of my files is like this: 1) context.properties is in the same path as SciTEUser.properties and the latter file has only one line in it: import context 2) All other context-*-scite.properties files are in the main folder of SciTE. 3) I noticed that there should be come file scite-ctx.properties in one of the directories. I have put it in the main SciTE folder. Is that the right place? 4) Isn't there some other ctx files that should be copied to the main SciTE folder? Where can I get those? I didn't find those in the MikTeX implementation on my machine? 5) As soon as I press F7 in the output view I get:
texmfstart concheck.rb myfile.tex unknown file type: texmfscripts Exit code: 0 No output is being generated.
Sorry to take your time with this issue. It might sound simple to some people, but it actually isn't that simple. I will write about my experiences later on when I am done with the setup. Thanks. -hooman