On 5/28/24 20:06, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 5/28/2024 6:25 PM, Tomáš Hála wrote:
Hi Pablo,
unfortunately, that it is not possible:
http://lua-users.org/wiki/PatternsTutorial, section Limitations.
\starttext \startTEXpage[pagestate=start, offset=1em] \startluacode local pat = (lpeg.Cmt(lpeg.P("this") + lpeg.P("that"), function(str,_,s) context(s) return #str end) + lpeg.P(1))^1 lpeg.match(pat,"how about this being that")
local pat = (lpeg.Cmt(lpeg.oneof({ "this", "that" }), function(str,_,s) context(s) return #str end) + lpeg.P(1))^1 lpeg.match(pat,"how about this being that") \stopluacode \stopTEXpage \stoptext
Many thanks for your reply, Hans. I will have to study it becasue LPEGs is new stuff for me. Many thanks for your help, Pablo