On 11/14/2021 4:33 AM, Aditya Mahajan via ntg-context wrote:
There is a bug in lmt_arrow. If given a "non-cycle" path, lmt_arrow completes the cycle.
\startMPcode newpath p; ahfactor := 5; p := origin .. (1cm, 1cm) .. (2cm, 0); draw lmt_arrow [ path = p, location = "percentage", percentage = 50, alternative = "curved", ] withpen pencircle scaled 1bp; \stopMPcode \stoptext
With 2021.11.11, I get the attached file. Note that lmt_arrow has drawn the "cycle" version of the path, even though p does not have a cycle.
I have looked at the code and cannot figure out why this is happening.
it happens in the 'direct' variant (metapost.registerdirect) where a boolean is passed as signal and that boolean then is also picked up by the (shared) path injector as (old school) signal that a path is closed while it should instead consutl the closed field in a path table (sounds more complex than it is) so in the end it is a nasty side effect of the fast inject code path (shared function with different stack values; i'll probably have to ditch a "low level backward compatibility feature no one uses anyway" some day) i uploaded a fix that you can test when the bins are compiled at https://build.contextgarden.net/#/waterfall?tags=c.luametatex new bins then in: https://dl.contextgarden.net/build/luametatex/ (fyi: in the mp code you see that the path p is 'get' from the lua end where it got passed to by parameter) (interesting that it didn't show up sooner, maybe most users have closed paths and/or most lmt_ features used closed paths) Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------