On 10/1/06, Mojca Miklavec
On 9/29/06, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Steve Peter wrote:
There is now a MikTeX package manager for Linux.
And it is best not to use it since it ships a context that believes it is running on windows...
ConTeXt should adjust to the differences (see ruby/tex.rb), but someone may need to search out the bugs and report them.
But then it has to be fixed, not thrown away ... I bet that the main reason is one of the many "if (MikTeX)" switches in the source code assuming that MikTeX is running on windows. Are there any MikTeX/Lunux users around? (I work on windows 99% of time, but if I manage to install MikTeX on the linux partition, I'll give it a try.)
The other thing is: I have no idea how the executables are created. I sent quite a few requests, so that now finally the ruby scripts are used instead of the old perl-based ones. But I don't have the slightest idea how they work under Linux.
I have ConTeXt under MikTeX and also on Fedora Core 5 both using the
Aug. 8 release from a separate texmf-cont tree, so I didn't install
the MikTeX version at all (I did steal
texmfstart.exe from W32tex).
There were some problems in the MikTeX-2.5 betas due to different
command-line switches in linux (and W32TeX) versions of pdftex, but I
thought that had been fixed in the
final version. There are some system specific flags set in
base/tex.rb to deal with any lingering differences, so if there are
problems I'd compare the options for pdftex and see if they are
reflected in tex.rb.
George N. White III