Am 2011-08-04 um 14:24 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
Am 04.08.2011 um 10:14 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:
There seem to be some instabilities in MkIV...
For the records: \setupstructureblock was named back to \setupsectionblock
It was always \setupsectionblock.
Not true, see your mail from 2009-04-19: http://archive.contextgarden.net/message/20090419.215130.20d3aa3f.en.html
At some time in history, I could define different layouts for right and left pages like \setuplayout[right][rightmargin=10mm] This syntax isn't valid any more - what's the new way?
The keywords for left and right pages are “odd” and “even”.
If I use \setuplayout with two brackets, I always get: ! Missing number, treated as zero. ... \global \dorecalculatelayout ...meter \c!leftedge \global \rightedgewidth \layoutpar... <inserted text> ...rrentlayout \recalculatelayout \dochecknextlayout \preset... \d@setuplayout ...out ][#2]\the \everysetuplayout \let \currentlayout \saved... l.28 ] Greetlings from Lake Constance! Hraban --- http://www.fiee.net/texnique/ http://wiki.contextgarden.net https://www.cacert.org (I'm an assurer)