Greetings, Did we end up with a working solution for t-lilypond? I've tinkered a bit Hans' response, too, but without luck. Dave On Aug. 21, 2007, at Aug 21, 3:53 PM, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
On 8/21/07, Hans Hagen wrote:
Mojca Miklavec wrote:
On 8/21/07, David Wooten wrote:
Greetings all,
Has anyone had any luck getting the lilypond module to work with mkiv/ luatex engine? It fails for me (works fine with mkii/pdftex). I can send along some log info if others have found it to work.
Hans has mentioned several times that buffers are not going to be written to files with luaTeX any more. This has a weird consequence on many modules which relied exactly on that trick.
Short example of what goes wrong:
\startbuffer[a] Hello world! \stopbuffer \typebuffer[a]
%\executesystemcommand{dosomethingwith \jobname-a.tmp} \stoptext
The problem is that MK II created a file \jobname-a.tmp and lilypond module processed exactly that file further. In MK IV, that file is not created any more (you can check that by running the above example with --lua first and then with pdfTeX again. Only in the second case a file [whateverthefilename]-a.tmp is created.)
Lilypond module relied on that "feature" (I would rather call it dirty-but-very-useful-trick).
Hans, what's the current general recipe for this kind of [mis]use of buffers?
I'll add savebuffer to core-buf.*
Thanks a lot for that one!
% engine=luatex
\startluacode if not buffers.save then function buffers.save(name) if not name or name == "" then name = tex.jobname end local b, f = buffers.data[name], string.format("%s-%s.tmp",tex.jobname,name) b = (b and type(b) == "table" and table.join(b)) or b or "" io.savedata(f,b) end end \stopluacode
\startbuffer[oeps] oeps \stopbuffer
\startbuffer oepsoeps \stopbuffer
\savebuffer[oeps] \savebuffer
I now tried to add the following three lines to t-lilypond.tex:
\def\PDF{texmfstart --ifchanged=\lily!filename.eps pstopdf \lily! filename.eps} \beginLUATEX \savebuffer[lilypond-\the\lily!figures]% \endLUATEX \ifeof18 \installprogram{\LP}% etc.
But luaTeX now reports the following to console:
system (LUATEX) : [line 32] \savebuffer [lilypond-\the \lily!figures ]\endLUATEX \ifeof 18 \installprogram {\LP }\doif \jobsuffix {pdf}{\installprogram {\PDF }}\else \executesystemcommand {\LP }\doif \jobsuffix {pdf}{\executesystemcommand {\PDF }}\fi \doifelse \jobsuffix {pdf} {\edef \lily!img {\lily!filename .pdf}}{\edef \lily!img {\lily!filename .eps}}\ifvmode \getfiguredimensions [\lily!filename .pdf]\leavevmode \newdimen \FigWidth \FigWidth =\figurewidth \ifdim \FigWidth >\localhsize \!!dimena =\localhsize \advance \!!dimena by-\FigWidth \noindent \hskip \!!dimena \fi \fi \externalfigure [\lily!img ]\egroup
and then
systems : end file li at line 34 ) (\end occurred inside a group at level 1)
### simple group (level 1) entered at line 32 ({) ### bottom level ... No pages of output. Transcript written on li.log.
It seems like a problem with grouping, but I have no idea how to prevent luaTeX from parsing the input further from what it's supposed to read.