On Thu, 20 Dec 2007, Hans Hagen wrote:
Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Thu, 20 Dec 2007, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
On Dec 20, 2007 11:31 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:
Erik Stempel wrote:
Dear Mr. Hagen,
I have a problem with using PPCHTEX with LaTeX (MikTeX 2.6). After reporting this problem at GoogleGroups I get a message to report the problem directly to you.
The problem is, that only the including of \usepackage{m-pictex, m-ch-de} makes six errors (pdflatex). The minimal example:
\documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{m-ch-de} \begin{document} Test \end{document} use the latest greatest context zips I do, but it does't help. I get exactly the same error:
I am confused. Consider the following file:
\unexpanded\def\test{Test} \test \bye
Run it through ConTeXt, and it compiles fine. Run it through pdftex (plain format) and it gives:
\unexpanded is a primitive in etex, introduced when context already had an \unexpanded macro; the same is true for \protected
\normalunexpanded gives you the primitive
when loaded in latex, ppchtex should restore the meaning of \unexpanded after loading but i cannot test that here
There is a bug in ppchtex.noc. Line 39 says \let\unexpanded\normalunexpanded However, on line 181 you load ppchtex. ppchtex assumes that \unexpanded is the context macro, not the etex primitive. The easy work around is to move the \let\unexpanded\normalunexpanded line to the end of the ppchtex.noc. This works fine on my machine. To the OP: locate ppchtex.noc by kpsewhich ppchtex.noc and copy that file to your current directory. Cut line 39 (\let\unexpanded\normalunexpanded) and paste it after line 213 (just before the last line). After this change the minimal example that you posted works correctly. See if your actual tex file now compiles. Aditya