Since my last MikTeX update (pdfeTeX 3.141592-1.20a-rc7.1-2.1, ConTeXt 2004.8.15) the line \setupinteractionscreen[option=max] doesn't have any effect any more (the same .tex document as before produces diffrent output - I can't get the whole-screen output any more). *** *** *** *** *** The second question concerns the translations of ConTeXt support for some other languages. I've added Slovenian translations to 'lang-sla.tex' and added a couple of lines to 'cont-usr.tex'. However: I don't know how to enable it. I tried with texexec --make --alone --all, but it complains:
Undefined control sequence. <argument> \??la \s!sl \c!status ... l.108 \c!status=\v!stop]
Did I miss any other files, did I make any mistake in my translations, is there any other command to be executed first? Or maybe just any of my local files or settings corrupted? I also don't know what exactly to do to fully support the three special letters (and their uppercase equvalent) č,š,ž,Č,Š,Ž (\v{c},\v{s},\v{z}, ...). In 'cont-usr.tex' I simply copied \installlanguage [\s!sl] [\s!mapping={il2,ec},\s!encoding={il2,ec}] although I have no idea if it is correct or not. In LaTeX I use \usepackage[cp1250]{inputenc} (or latin2 or utf8, depending on the operating system and editor), but \useencoding and/or translate=cp1250cz in ConTeXt seem to have no effect (they do work for German äöü, but not for our strange signs). Thanks a lot, Mojca Miklavec