On Mon, 24 Jul 2017, Alan Braslau wrote:
On Mon, 24 Jul 2017 10:26:25 +0200 Hans Hagen
wrote: On 7/24/2017 1:40 AM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
Is it possible to set pen width using properties(...)? The following does not work (the color is set, but not the pen width):
\starttext \startMPcode property p[] ; p[1] := properties(withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 1bp); p[2] := properties(withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 10bp);
draw fullcircle scaled 1cm withproperties p[1]; draw fullcircle scaled 2cm withproperties p[2]; \stopMPcode \stoptext
def withproperties expr p = if colormodel p = 3 : withcolor greypart p elseif colormodel p = 5 : withcolor (redpart p,greenpart p,bluepart p) elseif colormodel p = 7 : withcolor (cyanpart p,magentapart p,yellowpart p,blackpart p) fi withpen penpart p
if dashpart p <> nullpicture : dashed dashpart p fi
withprescript prescriptpart p withpostscript postscriptpart p enddef ;
Thanks! Aditya