On Wed, 23 May 2018 18:40:14 +0200
Pablo Rodriguez
I have the following sample:
\starttext \edef\TextInside{Just follow the tokens} \startMPpage path p ; p := reverse halfcircle scaled .6TextWidth; path q ; q := halfcircle rotatedaround (origin, 180) scaled (.6TextWidth + .75LineHeight); %~ draw fullcircle scaled .6TextWidth; draw followtext(p, "·\TextInside") ; draw followtext(q, "\TextInside·") ; path c ; c := (origin -- (6, 0) -- (0.5, -4) -- (3, 2) -- (5.5, -4) -- cycle) scaled 1.25cm ; %~ c := c shifted (-3,-3) ; draw followtext(c, "\dorecurse{500}{\utfchar{"EB09}}") ; \stopMPpage \stoptext
How can I shift the path c (I mean, the one that draws a star?
I have tried to add the shifted option to the path definition and drawing and there was no shift in the MP page.
(If you only have one MPpage, then there is no need for \starttext\stoptext). \edef\TextInside{Just follow the tokens} \startMPpage path p ; p := reverse halfcircle scaled .6TextWidth; path q ; q := halfcircle rotatedaround (origin, 180) scaled (.6TextWidth + .75LineHeight); %~ draw fullcircle scaled .6TextWidth; draw followtext(p, "·\TextInside") ; draw followtext(q, "\TextInside·") ; path s ; s := (dir30--dir150--dir315--dir90--dir225--cycle) scaled .3TextWidth ; for i=0 upto 500 : draw textext("\utfchar{"EB09}") scaled .5 shifted point (i/500*length s) of s ; endfor \stopMPpage