On 2/2/06, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
I use (g)vim to edit both context and latex files. Unfortunately, both of them usually have *.tex extension. This mean that detecting filetype from extension is not possible, so one should look into the contents of the file to see if it a context file or not.
I am planning to submit a ftdetect for context to vim. Right now, I check if the first six lines of the file contain any of '\\start\|\\enablemode\|\\unprotect\|\\setvariables\|\\module\|\\usemodule' and if so, set the filetype to context, otherwise it is set to tex (that loads latex plugins).
This works for my context writing style. I would like to know about other people's preference.
1. Do you write some keyword unique to context in the first few lines of the file. Should I also check the last few line lines.
\enableregime, \setupoutput Is \setup too general (will it recognize any LaTeX document)? I don't know how slow/fast the detection is since I only use short files, but if you check the last few lines, \stoptext (together with its international alternatives) isn't a bad idea. Also, if you check the last few lines: emacs users usually put some lines of code at the end to mark the document as being written in ConTeXt.
2. Are there any other keywords that you will like to include.
A keyword like set tex_preferred_dialect=latex/context :) and then if tex_preferred_dialect == context if the first few lines contain \documentclass or \documentstyle, declare it latex, otherwise ConTeXt else [your script]: if the first line contains % tex= or any keywords that Hans sent or if the first six lines contain the keywords you suggested (together with international alternatives) (don't take that suggestion too seriously) Mojca