Am 27.05.2015 um 20:13 schrieb Harry
: Hi,
I hope that this is the right address to post my question. If not I would be glad for a tip.
I wanted to do something like this:
%This line uncommented leads to an error \def\tit{Oops!}
\def\Teil{\dodoubleempty\doTeil} \def\doTeil[#1][#2]#3{% \def\tit{#1} %... \startchapter[title={\tit},reference={#2}] #3 \stopchapter %... }
\doTeil[Hallo][hallo]{Text Text Text Text Text Text Text}
Why do you \doTeil and not not \Teil?
It works if i use #1 direct (like this): \startchapter[title=#1,reference={#2}] But how can I wrap it in the \tit? (wrapping #2 works fine)
I wanted to programm \doTeil so, that I can nest it freely (for example with \input) and the table of content uses the hierarchy of the nesting to produce a nice TOC.
Is there a reason why you can use use \chapter[<reference>][<title>] in your document, I can’t see any advantage with your command. Wolfgang