On Tue, 27 Jul 2004, George N. White III wrote:
For images that will be displayed only at low resolution it may be useful to downsample the original image to reduce the size. For example you might have a 2 inch by 2 inch image scanned at 400 dpi. This image would have 800x800 pixels. For screen display you might prefer to have a 200x200 pixel image (or 100 dpi for 2 inches). Downsampling refers to the process of reducing an 800x800 pixel image to 200x200 pixels. ways to reduce image size (lossy compression, colorspace changes, even converting certain images to line art).
Quite soon, I'm going to convert the degrade LaTeX-package (CTAN: graphics/degrade) to ConTeXt. It permits to down-sample JPEG images on the fly to a given resolution. Cheers, Peter -- http://pmrb.free.fr/contact/ _____________________________________ FilmSearch engine: http://f-s.sf.net/