On 15 Jan 2014, at 21:54 , Wolfgang Schuster <schuster.wolfgang@gmail.com>

Am 15.01.2014 um 15:36 schrieb Robert Blackstone <blackstone.robert@gmail.com>:

Dear all,

Is there, in a book-project, a way to place unnumbered chapters, in casu Acknowledgements and Abstract, in the FrontMatter before the ToC, but still mentioned in the ToC?

\setuphead [prechapter][number=no,incrementnumber=list]


\prechapter{Unnumbered chapter}



\chapter{Numbered chapter}



Thank you Wolfgang. This works and it will very likely also work for my project. 
I'm afrraid though that I left out an important detail, namely that the ToC itself must be mentioned in the ToC.
What I'm expected to emulate is the following: (with real pagenumbers of course)


Acknowledgements i
Abstract ii
Contents iii
List of Illusttratiions iv
List of Tables v
Abbreviations and Library sigla vi
Preface vii

Chapter 1 8
Chapter 2 etc.

So my real question should have been: Is there a way to place the ToC in an unnumbered chapter, which should not be at the very beginning of the book? 
But you have suggested the answer already: Changing \title{Contents} to \prechapter{Contents} does just that. Clean solution for an, imho,  odd request.

Best regards,
Robert Blackstone