On 4/3/2016 4:07 PM, Meer, Hans van der wrote:
Previously I could do the following
% metafont code
This is called by context --run --once etc. producing the figure and in
this case modifying the font to a smaller size. Note, the context call
occurs on the fly inside a \directlua{{os.execute(..)}. You may find
this complicated, but it works for me and I would
rather like not having to change may things all over the place.
Now I learn from the ConTeXtgarden that startMPenvironment is deprecated
and that I should use defineMPinstance and setupMPinstance instead.
Thus I tried
\startsetups mp:smallfont
\startMPpage and also \startMPpage[mp:local]
% metafont code
But nothing happens. How do I get the effect earlier obtained with
startMPenvironment without having to rely an a deprecated macro?
the bodyfont environment was needed because we had to communicate to the
external mp run what the intended settings were
in mkiv the run is internal so the mp text generator adapts to the
current settings and there is no need to pass anything
Indeed, I can see the effect of mp functioning inside
mkiv. But there is still something I do not understand.
I get small italic text doing this:
But italic only doing:
How is that possible?