On Wed, 19 May 2010, Jan Pohanka wrote:
Hello, I discovered that with one font the \ldots command typesets three colons (:::).
I found these lines in plain.tex
No, for mkii you should look at math-*.mkii files. The relevant file in this case is math-tex.mkii, which defines \definemathsymbol [ldotp] [punct] [mi] ["3A]
saying the \ldots uses character on position 3A. In the font (type 1), there is really the semicolon on this position. How to make context to use proper character (\period), which is on position 2E in the font without changing this file?
You need to define a new math encoding (see math-ams.mkii or math-eul.mkii).
Or is it possible to use a special glyph for horizontal ellipsis with \ldots command? (It exists in the font)
\definemathsymbol [ldots] [inner] [mi] ["XX] where XX is the location of the glyph. Aditya