Thanks Hans! That works great. I understand it all and it is working in my book, so even better. I did not know you could \typsetbuffer[a,b,c]. I will be using that again. In case anyone finds this in the future, trying to solve a similar issue, my final version is below, including my \marginTikZ command. Gavin \setuppapersize[letter] \setuplayout[ backspace=90pt, % Horizontal layout leftmargin=36pt, % 1/2 in leftmargindistance=9pt, % 3/8 in width=306pt, % 4 1/4 in rightmargindistance=27pt, % 3/8 in rightmargin=144pt, % 2 in ] \startbuffer[starttikz] \usemodule[tikz]% Lots of setup can go here! \startTEXpage \starttikzpicture \stopbuffer \startbuffer[stoptikz] \stoptikzpicture \stopTEXpage \stopbuffer \define[2]\marginTikZ{ \startplacefigure[location=margin, reference=fig:#1, title={#2}] \typesetbuffer[starttikz,#1,stoptikz] \stopplacefigure } \starttext \startbuffer[BlueCircle] \draw[thick,blue] (0,0) circle (2cm)node{Ti{\it k}Z!}; \stopbuffer \marginTikZ{BlueCircle}{Ti{\it k}Z drew this blue circle\dots slowly.} \startbuffer[RedCircle] \draw[thick,red] (0,0) circle (2cm)node{Ti{\it k}Z!}; \stopbuffer \marginTikZ{RedCircle}{Ti{\it k}Z drew this red circle\dots slowly.} Take a look at the blue circle in \in{figure}[fig:BlueCircle] and the red circle in \in{figure}[fig:RedCircle] \stoptext