Hi I have another request about indentnext. Is there a chance that a new release will optionally make \place<float> transparent, even in the "here" case? This would often be useful after enunciations and paragraph blocks (answers/exercises). Greetings, Taco Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 Taco Hoekwater wrote:
* New functionality: indentnext=auto Blank lines in the source are taken into account when indextnext=auto is in effect. A really short example of usage would be:
\setupindenting[small,yes] \setupformulas[indentnext=auto] \starttext \startformula a = b\stopformula
\input tufte % blank line => with indentation
\startformula a = b\stopformula \input tufte % no blank line => no indentation
Hans, I love you, will you marry me? ;)
(BTW, I'm wondering if "auto" should be the default indentnext setting for the displays? Or would that be pressing too much? :))