Am 19.06.2010 um 12:28 schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 19-6-2010 11:48, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
some months ago Vyatcheslav asked for an option with \setupmathematics to switch between sans and serif. Just now I need exactly this!
(It is needed in the field of math for architecture/engineering.)
Is this available meanwhile?
in what sense? we have \mathss which will trigger the math sans alphabet but keep in mind that this is no sansing all symbols (so you can best look at unicode math and see what is meant for engeneering)
controlling it with setupmathematics will only happen when we hav ea rather good overview of what different disciplines demand as i don't want to end up with an inconsistent mess
a full sans math fonts is something different, if you have a proper font it should work ok
I'll send you an example PDF privately. Steffen