Hi Pablo, I'm resurrecting this thread, as I've just managed to get some progress on Windows with zint in LMTX. The thing is that you need 64-bit DLL, because LuaMetaTex is built for 64-bit architecture on Windows. As it is not available, I built 64-bit zint.dll (and zlib + libpng) from the latest git sources ( (dev)), renamed it to libzint.dll and placed in appropriate place, as per the instructions. But there are still some problems... here is the excerpt from the log: modules > using user prefixed file 'libs-imp-zint' modules > 'zint' is loaded open source > level 2, order 3, name 'c:/Data/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkxl/libs-imp-zint.mkxl' resolvers > lua > loading file 'c:/Data/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkxl/libs-imp-zint.lmt' succeeded close source > level 2, order 3, name 'c:/Data/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkxl/libs-imp-zint.mkxl' optional > using library 'c:/Data/context/tex/texmf-win64/bin/lib/luametatex/zint/libzint.dll' zint > something went wrong: invalid result vector zint > something went wrong: invalid result vector backend > xmp > using file 'c:/Data/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-pdx.xml' pages > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1 zint > something went wrong: invalid result vector zint > something went wrong: invalid result vector zint > something went wrong: invalid result vector zint > something went wrong: invalid result vector zint > something went wrong: invalid result vector zint > something went wrong: invalid result vector I tested the library with the generated CLI tool, and I get the barcode images created. Although, png format is not working, I get file with length 0 and no error whatsoever. It could be that there is something wrong with the build, I'll try to figure out. Best regards, Ivan Дана 17.03.2022. у 1:32, ntg-context-request@ntg.nl пише:
On 3/16/22 18:05, Hans Hagen via ntg-context wrote:
On 3/16/2022 5:37 PM, Pablo Rodriguez via ntg-context wrote:
Dear list,
using latest LMTX and following the steps from https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Barcodes#Zint_module, I’m afraid I don’t get any barcode either in Linux or Windows.
Minimal sample:
\starttext \usemodule[zint] \barcode[alternative=isbnx, text=9783865419026, width=4cm] \stoptext [...] Are you sure that you have the latest zint? (from sourceforge) Many thanks for your reply, Hans.
I have version 2.9.2 on Linux and version 2.10 on Windows.
I’ll try to install the new version on Linux and report results here.
Many thanks for your help,