andrea valle wrote:
(Taco, thanks for all the infos. Now, just trying to understand).
Why the bug manifest itself in this particular tex file? I mean: I have made other pieces, both with far less either with far more included pdfs and everything was ok. What's special in the bug-raiser tex we discussed about?
For every pdf you include, about 80 bytes is added to an internal string. There is a macro that checks the length of this string, and it sets a special "there are included pdfs" flag when the strings length is larger than zero. However, the primitive metapost operation to get the length of a string is rather stupid, it wraps without ever checking anything. Just run this bit of metapost code and watch the terminal output: string s; s := ""; forever: s := s & " "; message decimal length s; endfor; end. (you'll have to kill the process manually) So, my patch checks for 'not zero', which has a far smaller chance of being incorrect. Not completely nil, unfortunately. 'length' can actually wrap back to being zero, I'll have to fix that in metapost itself. Cheers, Taco