Hi Wolfgang,
Thanx for the pointer I have downloaded.
As I do not no how framed is actually implemented, I am not sure it will help much.
One of the reason I used LaTeX, then XeLaTeX, then LuaLaTeX, and now ConTeXt is
because I do not grock TeX.
I realized by "misusing" the framed environment and metafun I could achieve what I need
without a lot of calculations. I already have a similar module for LuaLaTeX using TikZ, but
I can get more milage levagering framed.
Right, now I working out the visual representation and will develop and interface so that
that the user does not need to worry about finer parts of the context syntax.
Am 20.05.2013 um 22:01 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster
Am 20.05.2013 um 21:28 schrieb Keith J. Schultz
: Hi Everybody,
I am trying to develop a module for writing Nassi-Schneidermann-Diagrams.
I thought I would use framed and metafun. But, I have run into, for me at least, strange behaviour. I have given MWE and attach the result and a second file which is required.
What I do not understand is why the first line after \MyBoxit is "indented" (see source and result below).
The second is why when I nest \MyBoxit do I get extra vertical space?
Yes, I have found a work around, as I was preparing this mail. Notice, the use of location! What I would want is to leave "location=top" in the setup.
I suggest to read chapter 8 in Einführung in TeX [1], a german book about plain TeX because basic knowledge about boxes can help a lot in your case.