Am 19.05.2011 um 17:42 schrieb Daniel Schopper:
Dear list, I’m fiddling around with a simple apparatus for critical editions with endnotes. For now this is working ok - but I’m wondering if somebody could advise me on some aspects of it (see below). Here’s a minimal example:
Now, this is obviously a really primitive approach (I’m still learning…) which I’d like to improve in some ways:
- How can I get rid of the blackrule in the apparatus? \noexpand\let\blackrule[#1]=\noexpand\relax throws an error (You can't use `macro parameter character #' in vertical mode.) while \noexpand\let\blackrule=\noexpand\relax eliminates the rule but simply prints the arguments in the square brackets. (Same holds true for every macro with arguments.)
You can use \simplifycommands, see my example below.
- What to do if I’d want to gobble \crlf or \par in the lemma while using them as separators after each apparatus entry? I tried to \let them to \relax, which ends in luatex getting stuck when it tries to import the .en-file.
- How could I reset gobbled commands like \bf to their original meaning (I’d like to ignore \bf inside a lemma but still be able to have bold page numbers at the beginning of the apparatus entry)?
I’m sure there are much more elegant ways to do this (probably in lua?), maybe someone could provide me with a hint where to start from?
You can use contexts own note mechanism to collect the data and place them later in your document. \define[2]\Apparatus {\ifdefined\ApparatusCounter \doglobal\increment\ApparatusCounter \else \doglobal\newcounter\ApparatusCounter \fi \pagereference[apparatus:page:\ApparatusCounter]% \startline[apparatus:line:\ApparatusCounter]{#1}\stopline[apparatus:line:\ApparatusCounter]% \begingroup\simplifycommands \expanded{\endnote{\at[apparatus:page:\ApparatusCounter]/\noexpand\inline[apparatus:line:\ApparatusCounter]~{#1}]~{#2}}}% \endgroup} \appendtoks\def\blackrule[#1]{}\to\simplifiedcommands \appendtoks \def\crlf{}\to\simplifiedcommands \appendtoks \def\bf{}\to\simplifiedcommands \setuplabeltext[en][lines=,line=] \setupnote [endnote] [textcommand=\gobbleoneargument, command=\gobbleoneargument] \starttext \startlinenumbering That’s a \Apparatus{\bf lemma}{That’s a variant reading…}. \input tufte But then there’s a blackrule \Apparatus{\blackrule[width=5cm]\crlf and a linebreak}{-- which we don’t want to repeat in the apparatus.}. \stoplinenumbering \placenotes[endnote] \stoptext Wolfgang