I have a multilevel set of itemized lists but I want to reduce the indentation because it takes up too much room. In other words instead of 1. foo a. fubar * bar I want spacing like 1. foo a. fubar * bar So I put this at the head of my document: \setupitemize[packed,serried,atmargin][indentnext=no,align=left] Since I don't know which parameter affects which dimension, I used them all. None of them seem to do what I am looking for. The space between items disappeared but that was the only change. Second question: The definition of \setupitemize seems to use three sets of square brackets but \startitemize seems to only use two. So, at the \startitemize level, which paramaters go in which set of braces? I have scanned looking for earlier posts but none seem to address these two problems. -- John Culleton Able Indexers and Typesetters http://wexfordpress.com