On Sun, 24 Oct 2010, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 23-10-2010 3:02, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
On 10/23/2010 02:47 PM, Herbert Voss wrote:
Is it possible to run this also under mkiv? Example is from the meafun manual.
\startMPrun input Grafik.mp; \stopMPrun \externalfigure[Grafik.1] \stoptext
It seems not.
Also, if I create Grafik.1 externally, it does not work either:
\startMPrun input graphic.mp ; \stopMPrun
\starttext \externalfigure[mprun.1] \stoptext
seems to work on my machine
The mprun mechanism is somewhat odd, and dates from the time that integration was not that tight; it's mostly there so that we can process company logos (all variants are defined in one file) runtime because i'm too lazy to contexify these first mp works
\usemodule[filter] \defineexternalfilter [externalMP] [filtercommand={texexec --mptex \externalfilterinput}, read=no] \starttext \processexternalMP[graphic.mp] \externalfigure[graphic.1] \stoptext Perhaps --mpgraphic is better than --mptex as it gives a pdf. You can add continue=yes and the processing will be done if the file has changed. Aditya