Henning Hraban Ramm via ntg-context schrieb am 08.01.2022 um 16:53:
I don’t know since when the questionnaire item command \its doesn’t exist any more: https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Command/its
\starttext \startitemize[5,packed][items=7,width=5em,distance=1em] \ran{\ss\tfx 1 \hss 7} \its \CONTEXT\ or \LaTeX? \its Tofu or sausage? \its Freedom or security? \stopitemize \stoptext
strc-itm.mklx -\protected\tolerant\def\strc_itemgroups_start_items_indeed[#1]% +\protected\tolerant\def\strc_itemgroups_start_items[#1]% {\strc_itemgroups_start_edge {\localcontrolledloop \plusone \ifchknum#1\or#1\else0\itemgroupparameter\c!items\fi \plusone {\strc_itemgroups_used_symbol\hss}% \unskip}}
It’s also absent in the interface files, i.e. autosyntax doesn’t work in the wiki.
There is no easy way to document them because many of these short commands exists in different environment (e.g. \startitemize and \startinteractionmenu) with different arguments. Wolfgang