Sunday, May 18, 2003 Wolfgang Werners-Lucchini wrote: WWL> Hallo!
\enableregime, \mainlanguage, \setupencoding are English commands; texexec is smart enough to detect this, and therefore uses the English interface;
WWL> Obviously this autodetectroutine is checking only the präambel. I think so, yes.
if you want to use the German one, use the German corresponding command: \hauptsprache instead of \mainlanguage. Or, as the first line of the file put:
WWL> That means, that the aktual setting in 'texexec.ini' is of no practical WWL> use, isn't it? That's the default unless something different is detected.
% interface=de
WWL> And than texexec forgets its smartness? That's part of the texexec smartness :) There are other settings which can be put there. WWL> The whole thing costs me a lot of time. I installed context with WWL> 'UserInterface de' without a real idea WWL> what it means. I didn't know if it brings me german messages or an german WWL> interface. Then I forgot WWL> this setting and used english statements. All worked well, until I wrote a WWL> little testfile, without präambel, WWL> and tex complains about \chapter{}. It was very strange! WWL> May be, a warning message would be helpfull, say 'UserInterface doesn't WWL> match initial setting!' I'll leave this to Hans :) -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta