Thanks a lot to all ! Yes, I use Context MKIV : ConTeXt ver: 2011.05.18 18:04 MKIV fmt: 2011.8.26 int: english/english The setup pagecite of Pontus Lurcock is exactly what I needed, but even with a minimal example, it does not produce a reference at the end with \completepublications. Here is a minimal example : \setupbibtex[database=sample,sort=author] \setuppublications[alternative=apa-fr,sorttype=bbl,refcommand=authoryear] \setupinteraction[state=start,color=darkgreen,style=normal] \setupcite[interaction=start] \def\pagecite[#1][#2]% {(\cite[alternative=authoryear,left={},inbetween={ },extras={, p. #2}][#1]} \starttext it is a test \pagecite[guerrien2008theorie][41]. \completepublications \stoptext And the following is the database (downloaded from google book in bibtex format) : @Book{ guerrien2008theorie, title = "{La th{\'e}orie {\'e}conomique n{\'e}oclassique: micro{\'e}conomie, macro{\'e}conomie et th{\'e}orie des jeux}", author = "B. Guerrien and E. B{\'e}nicourt", isbn = "9782707154224", series = "Grands Rep{\`e}res. Manuels", url = "http://books.google.com/books?id=8Kx8NwAACAAJ", year = "2008", publisher = "la D{\'e}couverte" } Also, I had to remove "compress=no" in \setupcite[interaction=start,compress=no] to make your setup work. Is it related to my distribution ? I use an up-to-date TeXlive 2011 distribution. 2011-09-23 (金) の 09:58 +1200 に Pontus Lurcock さんは書きました:
\setupbibtex[database=sample,sort=author] \setuppublications[alternative=apa-fr,sorttype=bbl,refcommand=authoryear] \setupinteraction[state=start,color=darkgreen,style=normal] \setupcite[interaction=start,compress=no] \def\pagecite[#1][#2]% {(\cite[alternative=authoryear,left={},inbetween={ },extras={, p. #2}][#1]}