Hey Wolfgang et al, I noticed compilation of my book breaks with 2012.08.02. This is the error message: ! LuaTeX error /usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/strc-not.lua:351: attempt to call global 'getdeltapage' (a nil value) stack traceback: /usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/strc-not.lua:351: in function 'notedeltapage' <main ctx instance>:1: in main chunk. \ctxcommand ...\directlua \zerocount {commands.#1} \strc_notes_set_style_color_special ...tenumber )} \relax \setlocationcolorsp... \strc_notes_set_style_color_inline ...lor_special \fi \strc_notes_inject_symbol ...xtstyle \c!textcolor \hbox \strc_notes_get_refe... \195>notation:note ...l \strc_notes_inject_symbol \else \unskip \unskip \glo... \strc_notations_command_nop ...handler \endcsname \strc_constructions_finali... ... l.8 ...te[gnu_users_who_have_never_heard_of_gnu] T his guide is intended for ... E ? You want to edit file Preface/Preface.tex at line 8 Here is the file in question. Nothing's changed in this file in more than a month. https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~avaneya/avaneya/trunk/view/head:/Documentation... -- Kip Warner -- Software Engineer OpenPGP encrypted/signed mail preferred http://www.thevertigo.com