5 Nov
5 Nov
1:14 p.m.
On 11/5/23 12:59, anton.chigurh@mail.com wrote:
Wow! This certainly is not the noobie version! All I wanted was to put a circle around a letter for emphasis.
Anton, it works as you intend: \starttext \startusableMPgraphic{MetaCirc} draw fullcircle xyscaled (OverlayWidth-OverlayLineWidth,OverlayHeight-OverlayLineWidth) withpen pencircle scaled OverlayLineWidth withcolor OverlayColor ; \stopusableMPgraphic \defineoverlay[MetaCirc][\useMPgraphic{MetaCirc}] a\dontleavehmode\framed [background=MetaCirc, backgroundcolor=red, frame=off, location=bottom, rulethickness=1pt] {b}c \stoptext Just in case it helps, Pablo