On Mon, 30 Jan 2006, Hans Hagen wrote:
Aditya Mahajan wrote:
How do I use Ralph Smith's formal script font [1] within context. I want to define a command like \mathrsfs{A} that will use A in this font.
one can make symbols (see symb-*.tex), which is probably the best way to go here; otherwise peek into math-*.tex files to see how math symbols can be defined. (the tricky part is that normally math script fonts have more chars so overloading one by a RS fotn may give problems)
This is an old mail. I could not figure out how to do this properly in CONTEXT. The closest that I managed was using scrload.tex from rsfs bundle, which uses %%------- scrload.tex---------------------------- \font\tenscr=rsfs10 % scaled \magstep1 \font\sevenscr=rsfs7 % scaled \magstep1 \font\fivescr=rsfs5 % scaled \magstep1 \skewchar\tenscr='177 \skewchar\sevenscr='177 \skewchar\fivescr='177 \newfam\scrfam \textfont\scrfam=\tenscr \scriptfont\scrfam=\sevenscr \scriptscriptfont\scrfam=\fivescr \def\scr{\fam\scrfam} %% ------------------------------------------ using this definition I get a command \scr which is same as \cal but uses ralph smith formal script font. The trouble is that the fonts are not scaled to document font size. Mojca's suggestion of using \def\mathrsfs#1{\text{\definedfont[RalfSmithFormalScript]#1}} and using $\mathrsfs{A}$ works, but does not give correct spacing for superscipts. Compare $\mathrsfs{A}^T$ with ${\scr A}^T. What is the context way of doing the same as scrload.tex. Looking at math-*.tex and font-ini.tex, I tried %----------------------------------- \def\scr{\mathortext{\fam\purefamily{ralphscript}}{\symbolicfont{RalphScript}}} \definefontsynonym [RalphScript][Serif] \def\ralphscript#1{\mathortext\domathtext\donothing{\scr #1}} \definefamilysynonym [default] [ralphscript] [rsfs] %------------------------------------------------ I do not understand this, and no wonder this does not work. What am I missing. Aditya