On 2/20/06, Hans Hagen wrote:
4. I have problems with \loadfontfilesoncetrue. I searched through
hm, loadfontfilesonce is not there (any more)
But it's in all my -mpgraph.mp documents. Anyhow, other ConTeXt commands aren't recognized either. I reinstalled ConTeXt/MikTeX for the second or the third time and now it doesn't crash any more (but now I get complaints about all the ConTeXt-specific commands). However, I discovered something strange in the log files in temporary folder (they were left there while I stil had the crashing version of pdfTeX). Log files about processing mpx314.tex files have "preloaded format=plain" in them. Is it possible that they are processed with the wrong switch for MikTeX (with its own specifics)? This might explain the "loadfontfileonce" and other errors. There's usually no chance to see those log files (if pdfTeX didn't crash, I wouldn't see them). PdfTeX in standalone ConTeXt crashes before that, so it just manages to create some trash empty directory which is deleted again after I click "no, don't report that error to Microsoft, please".
mailing list archives and found out that that problems was already present in 2002 and that someone solved it by deleting all ConTeXt files from MikTeX. I don't understand why since I have fresh MikTeX distribution on the computer, but I'll try that.
maybe some old cont-sys.tex file?
Which one???? I just realized that there are actually two cont-sys. One from user/cont-sys.rme and the other one from base/cont-sys.ori. They are (almost) identical. I have overwritten the MikTeX dir with files from cont-tfm.zip. And now MikTeX crashes (crashed, I'm writing this mail in non-cronological order) with the sample mentioned below as well. (OK, there were two minor mistakes in the sample files I've put online, but no reason why pdfTeX should crash on it. pdfTeX crashes approximately on the moment when mpx files are generated.) I used MikTeX on another computer and during playing with those cont-sys.tex and cont-usr.tex, refreshing & remaking formats, the behaviour changed from non-crashing into the crashing one, but I don't manage to repeat that behaviour on my computer. Since I came back, it doesn't crash any more. Mist. [again one paragraph that should be written in past tense] But on my computer I simply don't manage to change anything. Keeps crashing while processing those mpx files and after that it complains that context-specific commands are unknown (seems as if everything between btex ... etex would be processed with latex). Is it OK that those mpx314 files end with \end{document}? Is there any way to explore why the crash would happen? I get "An unhandled win32 exception occured in pdfetex.exe [2384]", 3164, 812, 1752, 2776, ... Mojca