Hi, Is it possible, without having to use layers, to specify the location of a frame inside the margin of the header relative to the headertext? Here's an example: --- \setupheadertexts[\setups{frames}][][][] \setupheadertexts[margin][\setups{marginframe}][][][] \setuppagenumbering[location=] \startsetups[frames] \framed[height=15mm,location=top]{frame at the top} \framed[location=top]{frame at the top} \stopsetups \startsetups[marginframe] %%% how to align this at the top? \framed[location=top]{frame not at the top?} %%% \stopsetups \showframe \starttext \input knuth \stoptext --- The workaround I'm currently using is to enlarge the height of the margin-frame to the highest one inside the header. --- \framed[location=top,height=15mm,align=top]{frame not at the top?} --- Adam