Hello, How to make the width of framedtext automatically adapts to its contents. Fabrice \definefloat [recipe] [figure] \setupfloat [recipe] [default={right,none}] \definecolor[MyColorA][r=0.8784, g=0.8784, b=0.8784] \definecolor[MyColorB][c=0.00,m=0.27,y=1.00,k=0.00] \defineframedtext [MyFrame] [before={\blank}, after={\blank}, frame=off, background=MyFrame, width=6cm, height=fit] \startuseMPgraphic{MyFrame} path b; picture p; p := textext.rt("\tfx\white\framedtextparameter{Title}"); p := p shifted (2BodyFontSize,OverlayHeight-ypart center p+.25ExHeight); b := boundingbox p enlarged .3EmWidth ; fill OverlayBox withcolor \MPcolor{MyColorA}; fill b withcolor \MPcolor{MyColorB} ; draw p ; setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox currentpicture enlarged 2mm ; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay [MyFrame] [\useMPgraphic{MyFrame}] \starttext \placerecipe{}{ \startMyFrame[Title=Info] L'histogramme est constitué de rectangles dont les bases correspondent aux classes et dont les aires sont proportionnelles aux effectifs ou fréquences des classes. \stopMyFrame} \input Knuth \stoptext