On Thu, Jul 15 2010, luigi scarso wrote:
I dont't have the answer , but what is the message ?
Hello Luigi, There is no message, luatex just hangs... (no cpu usage).
1) Why don't you use mingw (luatex is compiled with mingw)?
I switched from mingw to cygwin some time ago for several reasons. The one I remember: a lot of packages are easily available for cygwin but not for mingw.
2) Does it work under Linux ?
Yes. New results: I've built luatex under cygwin and replaced luatex.exe in my windows installation. Now it creates a pdf, but there is a stack-dump in the end: mkiv luv stats : runtime - 41.469 seconds, 1 processed pages, 1 shipped pages, 0.024 pages/second 3 [sig] luatex 3940 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to luatex.exe.stackdump MTXrun | fatal error: return code: 34304 This is file luatex.exe.stackdump: Stack trace: Frame Function Args 0022C828 7C802542 (00000600, 0000EA60, 000000A4, 0022C91C) 0022C938 610C26D3 (00000000, 7C802600, 7C802542, 00000000) 0022CA18 610BF387 (00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000) 0022CA68 610BF79B (00000F64, 0022CA90, 0022CA78, 67F0A00C) 0022CB28 610BF8C1 (00000F64, 00000006, 0022CB58, 610BF965) 0022CB38 610BF8FC (00000006, 0022CE80, 00000000, 00000000) 0022CB58 610BF965 (67F0A00C, 00000000, 6115B10C, 006BB4D8) 0022CB78 67F05531 (00810000, 67F05550, 0022CB98, 61004C69) 0022CB88 00401119 (00000000, 00000001, 0022CBC8, 6113AEE7) 0022CB98 61004C69 (6115DD10, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000) 0022CBC8 6113AEE7 (00000000, 00000000, 0022CBF8, 0042FB36) 0022CBE8 61112E0A (00000000, 00E47588, 0022CC08, 610BC8B6) 0022CBF8 61004EA1 (00000000, 00000000, 0022CC18, 0042E6D1) 0022CC08 610BC8B6 (00000000, 00E47588, 0022CC38, 00401934) 0022CC18 0042E6D1 (00000005, 00E47588, 0022CC48, 0022CC50) 0022CC38 00401934 (0022CC73, 6116CFFF, 0022CD98, 61006E73) End of stack trace (more stack frames may be present) Here a new example file for easy testing: \startbuffer[testmod.c] #include "lua.h" #include "lauxlib.h" static int l_test(lua_State *L) { int n = luaL_checknumber(L, 1) * 100; lua_pushnumber(L, n); return 1; } static const struct luaL_Reg mylib[] = {{"test100", l_test}, {NULL, NULL}}; int luaopen_testmod(lua_State *L) { luaL_register(L, "testmod", mylib); return 1; } \stopbuffer \startbuffer[Makefile] testmod.so: testmod.c gcc -shared -o $@ $< /usr/lib/liblua.dll.a \stopbuffer \savebuffer[testmod.c][testmod.c] \savebuffer[Makefile][Makefile] \executesystemcommand{make testmod.so} \startluacode package.cpath = "?.so" require("testmod") \stopluacode \starttext bla \stoptext Cheers, Peter -- Contact information: http://pmrb.free.fr/contact/