Am 16.02.2012 um 09:20 schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 15-2-2012 12:28, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
Hi Hans,
finally I managed to figure out a "minimal" 3 page example that can reproduce this strange bug!
It seems to be an interaction of \cite and \index with sectioning/bookmark generation: Please run "chap_1.tex" and click on the bookmark "1.1.2 SIX" ... no destination is set.
(As I explained before, this does not mean that anything strange is going on at \subsection{SIX}. If the minimal file was longer, the missing link would have been somewhere else.)
If I delete the used \index entries the bug is gone. And if I delete the used \mycite commands the bug is gone, too.
I hope this test file might help ...
like Luigi I get a pdf where 1.1.2 SIX is a proper link
my project is an already finished and printed book. it was set with context vers. 2011.05.14, in this version the link is missing now the publishers asked for the pdf (to provide it on-line too) and thus they noticed the defect. unfortunately running the same project with todays beta gives different line breaks and so different page breaks. which is not acceptable for the publishers. I retried it with vers. 2012.01.16, also here the link is missing: do you remember what changed you made between, say 2012.01.16 (not working) and today (working)? then maybe a patch can be found out that could also be adapted to my original vers. 2011.05.14? Steffen