Am 29.07.2006 um 09:11 schrieb Taco Hoekwater:
Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
You mean like this?
\setuphead[chapter][command=\midaligned,numbercommand=\it,inbetween= \crlf,textcommand=\bf]
That is what I meant but it dodn't work out too well. New approach:
\def\Sectioncommand#1#2% {\vbox{\centerline{\it Chapter #1}% \centerline{\bfb #2}}}
\setuphead[chapter] [command=\Sectioncommand, style=]
On Sun, 30 Jul 2006, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
Well, looks good, BUT if the chapter's name is quite long and needs a break then the break command used there (\crlf \break \\) can't work anymore ....
How about \def\Sectioncommand#1#2% {\framed[align=middle,width=broad,frame=no] {\it Chapter #1 \crlf \bfb\setupinterlinespace#2\endgraf}} \setuphead[chapter] [command=\Sectioncommand, style=] \chapter{A very very very very very very loongish title of the chapter} Aditya