On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 12:15 PM, Mikael Persson
Dear all,
I have a problem with \indenting[next] combined with math formulas. Look at the example below. The space between the text above the formula and the formula is way to small. This goes away if I change next to for example yes.
Btw, this happens on my TeXLive 2007 on ubuntu at home, my ConTeXt minimal from 2007-04-03 at work and on live.contextgarden.net (with pdfTeX but not LuaTeX).
Do I misuse the indenting macros?
Thanks, Micke P
% test file \setupindenting[yes,small] \indenting[next]
\starttext Hello World! This is just some dumb text to show the problem. \startformula a=b \stopformula Goodbye World! The space below the formula is OK. \stoptext
I could reproduce the result and have also a fix but I don't know what the correct reults should be and other people like Aditya should decide if it makes sense to change the current behaviour. \def\startdisplaymath {\ifgridsnapping \beforedisplayspace \snapmathtogrid\vbox \bgroup \informulatrue %\forgetall % breaks side floats \else \bgroup \parskip\formulaparskip % ! ! \informulatrue %\forgetall % otherwise backgrounds fail \ifdim\lastskip<\zeropoint\else \par \ifvmode \ifdim\parskip>\zeropoint\relax \whitespace \vskip-\parskip % kind of forces and cancels again \fi \fi \fi \doif\displaygridcorrection{-\v!top}{\kern-\strutht}% new, currently only option/default \beforedisplayspace \par \ifvmode \ifindentfirstparagraph \verticalstrut \vskip-\struttotal \vskip-\baselineskip \fi \fi \fi $$\setdisplaydimensions \setpredisplaysize\lastlinewidth \startinnermath} I added the \ifindentfirstparagraph test before the last skip upwards is executed. Wolfgang