(MkIV, latest beta) I'm trying to get a title page for book parts: \def\FPart#1#2{#2} \setupheads [align=right, tolerance=verytolerant, before=\nohyphen\startlinecorrection, after=\stoplinecorrection, number=no] \setuphead[part][command=\FPart, page=right, style={\bfc}] \part{My First Part} But the page is empty, also without "command", also with a suitable "textcommand", also without "style". Next problem: In my ToC I get "Part My First Part". (Or "Part 1 My First Part", if I enable the number.) How can I suppress that piece of text ("Part")? Generally, what's the best approach to get a fixed font size for some titles, e.g. the part title should have 64 pt. Should I use \setuphead[part][before={\switchtobodyfont[64pt]}] ? Greetlings from Lake Constance! Hraban --- http://www.fiee.net/texnique/ http://wiki.contextgarden.net https://www.cacert.org (I'm an assurer)