Dear gang, Objectives: i) Prevent footnotes from splitting across a page or pagebreak ii) Make sure that the footnote reference number in the main text is always on the same page as the footnote. Yes, the result may not be pretty, but for some manuscript submissions it will make sense. In the attached MWE (copied below), footnote 3 gets split across the page, despite [split=verystrict]. Indeed, split=verystrict seems to do nothing. (Reproducing case ii) is more difficult.) Thank you in advance for your help. ============== % \setupalign[flushleft,nothyphenated] \setupnote[footnote][split=verystrict] % \setupnotation[footnote][split=verystrict] \starttext \input ward\ \startfootnote \input knuth \stopfootnote{} \dorecurse{3}{\input ward\ } \startfootnote \input knuth \stopfootnote{} \dorecurse{2}{\input ward\ } \startfootnote \input knuth \stopfootnote{} \dorecurse{3}{\input ward\ } \startfootnote \input knuth \stopfootnote{} \stoptext ============== Best wishes Idris -- Idris Samawi Hamid, Professor Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80512