On Wednesday 03 December 2008 05:11:23 am Wolfgang Schuster wrote:

> Am 02.12.2008 um 15:43 schrieb Bart C. Wise:

> > In the sample code below, I defined the document to be doublesided

> > and that

> > chapters should open on the right. If the chapter ends on an odd

> > page, I want

> > to leave the even page completely blank (no headers, footers, page

> > numbers,

> > etc.). The code below works except for the last chapter in the

> > frontmatter,

> > bodymatter, and backmatter. For the last chapter in those

> > divisions, the page

> > is not blank, but has the header & footers. How do I get

> > definepagebreak to

> > work at the end of a division?

> >

> > \setupheadertexts[][chapter][Deluxe Header][]

> >

> > \definepagebreak

> > [ChapterPageBreak]

> > [yes,header,footer,right] % works! except for last page in a

> > division

> >

> > \setuphead[chapter][

> > header=empty,

> > footer=empty,

> > number=yes,

> > page=ChapterPageBreak,

> > ]

> >

> > \setuplayout[location=doublesided]

> > \setuppagenumbering[

> > location={footer,middle},

> > alternative=doublesided,

> > option=doublesided,

> > style=\em\tfx,

> > way=bytext,

> > ]

> >

> > \starttext

> > \startfrontmatter

> > \completecontent

> > \chapter {Introduction} \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte }

> > \chapter {Second Introduction} \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte }

> > \stopfrontmatter

> > \startbodymatter

> > \chapter {First Chapter} \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte }

> > \chapter {Second Chapter} \dorecurse{9}{\input tufte }

> > \chapter {Third Chapter} \dorecurse{8}{\input tufte }

> > \chapter {Fourth Chapter} \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte }

> > \stopbodymatter

> > \startbackmatter

> > \chapter {First Appendix} \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte }

> > \chapter {Second Appendix} \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte }

> > \stopbackmatter

> > \stoptext


> You tried to enable doublesided documents with \setuplayout

> but the option location control the location of your document

> on the real paper, this option is usefull if you use different

> sizes your document and paper e.g. \setupapersize[A4][A3].


Thanks Wolfgang for your response. I'm having a little trouble understanding your response, so let me tell you what I think you said.

\setuplayout should not be used to enable doublesided documents. Because that option (\setuplayout[location=doublesided] is used to control the location of your document on real paper. Is that correct?

If so, then I don't need to use the \setuplayout[location=doublesided] option for the example. Correct?

> Doublesided documents are enable with

> \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided], ConTeXt has also

> a special settings "alternative={singlesided,doublesided}",

> this this a normal single sided document with the same margins

> on every page but you can use the "left" and "right" keys for

> \page, \setuplayer etc.

So I did the following with the above code:

% \setuplayout[location=doublesided]








What does the "option=doublesided" do? Do I need it? I'm not sure where I found that one.

I still have the same problem with the last chapter in a division, the headers and the footers print out. I also tried with/without the "option=doublesided".
