Am 23.09.2010 um 23:36 schrieb Jaroslav Hajtmar:
Hello, Thanks very much everyone for your advice, I am certainly now a better starting position ... I will try to learn something ...
Maybe it sounds silly but at the very beginning I was surprised by the type of construction:
\def\????ld{@@@@ld} \def\????ls{@@@@ls}
Where do I read about it more?
These are namespaces but you don't need these constructs anymore in mkiv because there is now a \definenamespace command which takes care of this. You need a namespace when you use a setup command with key-value-pairs to have unique names for the keys. BTW: The two letter namespaces are reserved for Hams and me but you’re free to use longer ones (we should collect them on a page at the wiki). Wolfgang