Hi Jörg, Jörg Hagmann wrote:
I have a possibly off-topic and certainly naive question. But unfortunately it's urgent, and a systematic search would take too long: I just finished a 84 page document and sent it to the printer. They say the fonts are not embedded. Is there a switch that allows me to do that? If not, what else can I do?
In principle pdftex should embed all fonts (actually only the subset of
used glyphs). The only case when this does not happen is for the
standard postscript fonts (Times, Helvetica, Courier, Symbol), which are
by default not embedded.
(Adobe used to include them with Acrobat Reader; now it does not with
the "nice" result that Helvetica is used on Postscript printers, Arial
on Windows [screen/non-postscript printers], etc.)
For teTex/TeX Live (Unix):
|pdftexDownloadBase14 true
This will use on several computers no Times/Helvetica but the URW+
clones of these.
Generally, the behaviour depends on the .map file. I have:
Depending of the "||pdftexDownloadBase14" setting, I have either:
hv Helvetica "TeXnANSIEncoding ReEncodeFont"