In the xml-mkiv.pdf manual is written on page 18:
\xmlloadfile {...} {...} {...}
loads the file FILE and registers it under NAME and applies either given or standard XMLSETUP (alias: \xmlload)
However, \xmlloadfile gives an undefined macro TeX-error, allthough the given alias \xmlload is present (useed beta of 2017-04-16). Shouldn't macro \xmlloadfile be added? Besides \xmlloadbuffer and \xmloaddata that would appeal to my preference for systematic naming. By the way. In this document all descriptions "\macro{}{}{}" refer to arguments like FILE, NAME etc. but these are absent from the API as shown. I think presented as \xmlloadfile{NAME}{FILE}{XMLSETUP} for example, would be more informative (at least I guess I have the order right). Any way, I get confused with some of the other APIs and would be pleased if a newer version of the manual has them. Hans van der Meer