Hello All, I am having a situation where I have to install and run Context in a Linux machine but the machine(s) have only RHEL 7.6 (which comes with only GLIBC_2.17).
From the initial error logs it appears that Context needs minimum GLIBC_2.23. Therefore, I did the following work around and it almost worked ! (there were no more GLIBC_2.23 errors and installation was progressing well...) , till it did not... :-(
Any tips or suggestions to try would be indeed very helpful. Thanks so much
*Work Around* -
Manually installed GLIBC_2.23 as per the instructions here - in my own
directory where I have full access -
*Patchelf Utility*
Used the patchelf utility - https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/patchelf
*Changed the following Context install files*
*install.sh (just before running mtxrun)*
patchelf --set-interpreter
/my-own-dir/opt/glibc-2.23/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 --set-rpath
/my-own-dir/opt/glibc-2.23/lib:/usr/lib64 $PWD/bin/mtxrun $PWD/bin/mtxrun
--script ./bin/mtx-install.lua --update --server="$LMTXSERVER"
--instance="$LMTXINSTANCE" --platform="$PLATFORM" --erase
*mtx-install.lua (just before running mtxrunbin)*
run("patchelf --set-interpreter
/my-own-dir/opt/glibc-2.23/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 --set-rpath
/my-own-dir/opt/glibc-2.23/lib:/usr/lib64 %s", mtxrunbin)
run("%s --generate",mtxrunbin)
*Error that I see (in the step `make luametatex format`) - *
resolvers | formats | changing to format path '/my-own-dir
resolvers | formats | executing runner 'make luametatex format': /
my-own-dir/ConTeXt/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/luametatex --ini
This is LuaMetaTeX, Version 2.08.01
! Undefined control sequence.