Good morning (or whatever you have in Europe now). Two or three week ago I've installed the minimal ConTeXt distribution under Windows. My first use of TeX under Windows, many thanks for the distribution, it's great! However, when I try to compile a metapost/metafun source from the SciTE editor, it fails. It tries to run mpost directly, and it's not found. I can run texmfstart texexec --mptex ... in the SciTE's command promt, and it works, but it's annoying. Can I somehow reconfigure the SciTE to run the metapost properly (I mean to run texexec --mptex)? Many thanks. Michal Kvasnicka P.S. Hans, would it be possible to add the Metafont into the minimal distribution? I like it so much I'd like to make it my major distribution even in Linux, but I need the Metafont since from time to time I still use some bitmapped font (like Concrete Math). Many thanks.