Hi again On Wed, 2020-04-08 at 11:52 +0200, Christoph Hintermüller wrote:
I figured so far that with the command \setelementnature[<mytagid>][block]
I can change the css 'displayÄ attribute of my <mytag> to display=block in the *_templates.css output
But i did not manage so far to in addition set the 'white-space' css attribute of mytag to 'pre-wrap'
I tried `\dosettagproperty` and `\setelementexporttag` commands but none of the gave me the expected result in the *_templates.css output for the xhtm export.
What other commands do i have to call first, after `\dostarttagged` to be able to use eg `dosettagproperty` to also set the 'white-space' css attribute accordingly and/or how is the related context/lua property called which will be than translated into `white-space=pre-wrap`. The css 'display' attribute is to be changed by changing the 'nature' property of the tag.
Is there anybody who can provide at least some hints which *.tex and *.lua source files to look at to figure myself. At least some orientation would already help.
Nope there isn't most of the stuff is hardcoded into the backend expoerter lua. Including template for custome css template which only considers display (nature) settings. And spaces are striped in any case. All in all the backend exporter seems up to now still handcrafted experimental proof of concept. Which makes me quenstion my self why did i switch from latex to context. The major and killer reason was single source multiple formats. But the only fully functional format so far is pdf/dvi/ps xhtml/xml/epub are only working for core stuff. All the nice modules seem not to be supported at all by backend exporter. Please increase the USB of ConTeXt by improoving the xml/xhtml exporter backend by allowing modules to hook into it, defining how the contotent should be processed and what css attributes the corresponding tags should receive. Second i noticed that even in verbatim the line numbers are not on the line they number but are, due to late injections printed on an empty line in xhtml. Needs improvement here too. All the above and some more forces me to push my plans to publish my lecture notes on programming as pdf and epub to likely next year. And helping in Improvement is for now not an option too me for now, exempt maybe lateron in testing. Happy Easter. Xristoph