Hello list,
The module pgfplots has a bug that produces an error for polar plots, and perhaps in other situations.
tex error > tex error on line 20 in file ./chapter02-t-b-728d71c9823ff6bed735c6d6e1758718.tmp: Undefined control sequence
<macro> \pgfplots@environment@polaraxis@ [#1]->\begin
{axis}[#1,data cs=polar,axis type=polar]
This bug was described and fixed on the pgfplots GitHub repository in December (https://github.com/pgf-tikz/pgfplots/pull/382). I fixed the bug on my personal installation, but when I update the modules using the wiki instructions, the bug returns. In the LMTX installation, the file requiring the fix is:
The fix is:
Line 7928: change “\begin{axis}" to “\axis”
Line 7934: change “\end{axis}" to “\endaxis”
Is there anything I can do to aid in getting this fixed in the distribution?